Keep up to date with our Latest news Blue events gathered around 180 participants - creating synergies for the Atlantic stakeholders. 2023-10-24 The annual gathering of the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, held last week at Porto Leixões Cruise Terminal, had the participation of around 180 a... READ MORE > Last Monitoring Committee meeting for the 2014-2020 period held in Cardiff 2023-10-05 The last 2014-2020 Monitoring Committee of Interreg AtlanticArea was held this week in Cardiff and hosted by the Welsh Government and the Department f... READ MORE > Event "Blue Synergies: Maximising Funding Impact in the Atlantic Sea Basin", 19.10.2023 at Porto Leixões Cruise Terminal 2023-09-15 Happening for the first time, the event «Blue Synergies: Maximising Funding Impact in the Atlantic Sea Basin» aims to foster collaboration and expl... READ MORE > Interreg Atlantic Area Annual Event, 18.10.2023 at Porto Leixões Cruise Terminal 2023-09-15 On behalf of the Managing Authority of the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, CCDR-Norte, I.P., and the Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Publica (Spa... READ MORE > The Monitoring Committee approved 27 projects under the First Call 2023-06-29 The Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027 approved during the Monitoring Committee meeting held in Bilbao, Spain, on the 28th of June 2023, 27 cooperatio... READ MORE > AYCH Clan: Unleashing young creativity in the Atlantic regions 2023-06-13 Join the community of talented young artists and innovators to showcase your work, find job opportunities, and connect with like-minded individuals. ... READ MORE > NEPTUNUS makes a splash in Santander's fish markets 2023-06-01 In our modern era, understanding and mitigating the environmental impact of our actions is of paramount importance. To this end, life cycle assessmen... READ MORE > PORTOS: Greening Atlantic Ports 2023-05-15 Seaports are essential hubs for global trade, connecting countries, and continents through a complex network of ships, cargo, and logistics. However,... READ MORE > SAFER project holds their final event at the European Maritime Day in Brest 2023-05-04 We are delighted to invite you to the SAFER partnership's final event, which will take place on 24-25 May 2023 in Brest, Bretagne-France. The event w... READ MORE > Go to previous page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Go to next page