Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020
During the 2014-2020 period the Interreg Atlantic Area supported 71 projects, promoting cooperation between 1147 partners and associated partners across the Atlantic regions. Three calls for projects were launched (in 2016, 2018 and an extension call in 2021) resulting in a total investment of 185 million euros.
Discover here the investments made in promoting innovation and competitiveness, in the efficiency of resources, in the mitigation of territorial risks, and the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage and the impact on the Atlantic territory and communities.
The programme has produced a wide range of outputs and results, including the creation of 11 new services, 23 new transformative solutions and 100 new methods and tools. The Final Report also describes the execution of 18 pilot actions, the creation of 14 local and/or regional networks, and the support of 9 structures for SMEs.
Learn about the project's results in the publication Delivering results for the Atlantic regions
Programme Manual 2014-2020
Approved Cooperation Programme
Final Evaluation of Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020
Discover here the investments made in promoting innovation and competitiveness, in the efficiency of resources, in the mitigation of territorial risks, and the enhancement of natural and cultural heritage and the impact on the Atlantic territory and communities.
The programme has produced a wide range of outputs and results, including the creation of 11 new services, 23 new transformative solutions and 100 new methods and tools. The Final Report also describes the execution of 18 pilot actions, the creation of 14 local and/or regional networks, and the support of 9 structures for SMEs.
Learn about the project's results in the publication Delivering results for the Atlantic regions
Programme Manual 2014-2020
Approved Cooperation Programme
Final Evaluation of Interreg Atlantic Area 2014-2020