Programme bodies

Monitoring Committee

The Monitoring Committee is the main decision making body of the Programme. It is composed of representatives of the four Member States and regions, authorities of the Programme, representatives of other administrations and organised civil society as advisory members.

Ministerio de Hacienda
Dirección General de Fondos Europeos, Paseo de la Castellana 162, Planta 20, 28046 Madrid, España


Région Nouvelle Aquitaine
14, Rue François de Sourdis, 33 077 Bordeaux cedex, France

Région Bretagne
Hôtel de Région - 283 avenue du Général Patton, CS 21 101
35 711 Rennes Cedex, France

Région Pays de la Loire
Direction des Politiques européennes
Hôtel de Région - 1, rue de la Loire, 44966 Nantes Cedex 9, France

Région Normandie

Abbaye-aux-Dames, Place Reine Mathilde, 14000 Caen - France

Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires
20, avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris, France


Northern and Western Regional Assembly
The Square, Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, Ireland


Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão
Av. 5 de Outubro, n.º 153, 1050-053 Lisboa, Portugal


European Commission
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy

Atlantic Maritime Strategy Committee
Presidency for 2025: Ireland

Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions - Atlantic Arc Commission
14, rond-point Schuman, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

Atlantic Cities
12 rue du Nivernais 35000 Rennes - France

Réseaux Transnationale Atlantique

Audit Authority

Inspeção Geral de Finanças
Rua Angelina Vidal 41, 1199-005 Lisboa, Portugal


Teresa Curto Silva:
Ana Cristina Rodrigues:
Tel: +351 218 113 500
Accounting Body

Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão (AD&C), Av. 5 de Outubro, n.º 153, 1050-053 Lisboa, Portugal

Managing Authority

Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, I.P.
Rua Rainha D. Estefania, 251 4150-304 Porto, Portugal

Tel: +351 226 086 300
Joint Secretariat

Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, I.P.
Rua Rainha D. Estefania, 251 4150-304 Porto, Portugal

Tel: +351 226 086 300

National Authorities

The National Authority is the body ensuring the representation of the Member State in the management structure of the Programme and supporting partners at the national level. It is responsible for the dissemination, implementation, and management of the Programme at the national level.

Ministerio de Hacienda 
Dirección General de Fondos Europeos
Paseo de la Castellana 162, Planta 20, 28046 Madrid, España


Région Nouvelle Aquitaine
14, Rue François de Sourdis, 33 077 Bordeaux cedex, France


Northern and Western Regional Assembly
The Square, Ballaghaderreen, County Roscommon, Ireland


Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão
Av. 5 de Outubro, n.º 153, 1050-053 Lisboa, Portugal, Tel: +351 218814000


Managing Authority

The Managing Authority is responsible for the Programme implementation and its overall management ensuring both institutional representation and compliance with applicable community and national rules namely, eligibility rules, information and publicity, monitoring, and assessment procedures. Since 2007, the Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N, I.P.), based in Porto, Portugal, has been the Programme Managing Authority.
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento
Regional do Norte I.P (CCDR-Norte, I.P.)

Rua Rainha D. Estefânia, 251 - 4150-034 Porto,

Tel: +351 226 086 300 | Email:
Antonio Cunha
António Cunha

António Cunha holds a degree in Production Engineering (1984) and a Ph.D. in Science and Engineering of Polymers (1991). He has been a Full Professor at the University of Minho since 2003.

He served as the President of the School of Engineering from 2005 to 2009, the Rector of the University of Minho from 2009 to 2017, the President of the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities from 2014 to 2017, and the President of the Board of Trustees of the CEER Foundation (Universities of Northern Portugal - Galicia) from 2010 to 2016.

He was the President of the CoLab on Digital Transformation, DTx (2018-20), and an Administrator of CEIIA - Center for Engineering and Development (2005-09 and 2018-20) and PIEP - Innovation in Polymer Engineering (2001-09).


Since 2021, the President of the Galicia – Northern Portugal Working Community. He also serves as a curator of A3ES (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education).

Since 2020, he has been the President of the Norte Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-Norte, I.P.) and President of the Managing Authority of the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme.

foto STS
Executive Manager
Sandra Tavares da Silva

Sandra Tavares da Silva is an Associate Professor at Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (FEP) and an associated researcher at CEF.UP – Center for Economics and Finance. She holds a master’s degree and a PhD, both in Economics, from FEP. 


She has published a pedagogical book on macroeconomics, six book chapters, and several articles related to evolutionary economics, agent-based modelling and labour market, innovation and economic growth, inequality, and economic development, published in international journals such as Australian Economic PapersEconomic ModellingJournal of Business Economics and ManagementJournal of Economic SurveysJournal of Evolutionary EconomicsJournal of Economic Interaction and CoordinationMetroeconomicaScience and Public PolicyThe Journal of Development StudiesThe Singapore Economic ReviewWorld Development, Macroeconomic Dynamicsetc


She has supervised 10 PhD theses and more than 50 master dissertations. Her research interests are economic growth, poverty and inequality; evolutionary economics; innovation; and agent-based modelling. 


She is currently appointed as Executive Manager of the Managing Authority of the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme

Joint Secretariat

The Joint Secretariat, based in Porto, Portugal, is the Programme's main point of contact for beneficiaries and oversees the daily management of the Programme. It assists the Managing Authority and, whenever necessary, the other Programme bodies in the implementation of the Programme.
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte, I.P. 
(CCDR-Norte, I.P.)
Rua Rainha D. Estefânia, 251 - 4150-034 Porto, Portugal

Tel: +351 226 086 300 | Email:
Ismael Morán-García

The Director is responsible for overseeing the management and coordination of the Joint Secretariat. The key tasks include staff management, coordinating the technical implementation of the Programme, including calls for projects, project generation, assessment of applications, contracting, monitoring, evaluation, and closure processes.
Project managers
Carlos Garea Lodeiro | Isabel Moreira da Silva | Tania Afonso

Project managers are responsible for the successful implementation of the projects funded by the programme. Their main tasks include ensuring that the project goals match the overall Programme objectives and overseeing daily project activities. They advise beneficiaries on the issues that may arise, making sure the project follows all relevant rules and guidelines set by the Programme. They also support the Monitoring Committee in implementing decisions related to the call for projects and the approved projects.
Financial managers
Gizela Ferreira | João Correia 

Financial managers oversee and manage the daily financial processes of the Programme, ensuring compliance, transparency, and the effective use of funds. Their main duties comprise technical support to control and audit structures, implementation of financial recommendations, preparation of financial reports, and the financial assessment of applications. They also ensure compliance of financial reporting and manage the Technical Assistance budget, in accordance with guidance and regulations.
Communication manager
Ana Magalhães

The Communication manager is responsible for implementing the communication strategy ensuring the effective information about the programme and its projects. The role mainly involves aligning this strategy with the programme objectives engaging with relevant stakeholders, producing communication contents, coordinating public events, and enforcing the programme branding. She also supports projects in their strategies ensuring that all communication activities comply with the regulations set by the Programme.
Administrative manager
Adeline Oliveira

The Administrative manager ensures the overall functional organisation of the Secretariat through the planning, management, and implementation of administrative procedures and the management of information channels. This role includes supporting the Director, the representative of the Managing Authority, mainly in the organisation of public procedures and written consultations, and the Programme Bodies in organising meetings and drafting minutes. She also manages the IT Support system.

Accounting Body

The Accounting Body is responsible for the expenditure certification and European Regional Development Fundo (ERDF) assistance payments processes.

Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão I.P.
Av. 5 de Outubro, n.º 153, 1050-053 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: +351 218 814 000

Gisela Rodrigues:

Audit Authority

The Audit Authority coordinates and implements the sampling audits addressed to the Programme management and control system and the co-financed operations. Prepares and presents to the European Commission the annual control reports and declarations for partial or final closure, assessing the legality and regularity of the expenditure concerned. The Audit Authority is assisted by a Group of Auditors.
Inspeção Geral de Finanças
Rua Angelina Vidal 41, 1199-005 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: +351 218 113 500

Teresa Curto Silva:
Ana Cristina Rodrigues:

Group of Auditors

The Group of Auditors is composed by a representative of each Member State participating in the Programme and has the mission of assisting the Audit Authority.

Inspeção Geral de Finanças

Rua Angelina Vidal 41, 1199-005 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: +351 218 113 500

Teresa Curto Silva:
Ana Cristina Rodrigues:


Intervención General de la Administración del Estado (IGAE)
Beatriz González Betancort:


Inspection Générale des Services, Service Audit des Fonds Européens, Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Antoine Valin:


ERDF Audit Authority - Department of Public Expenditure & Reform
Paul Herron:

Atlantic Connection Hub

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