The project MARINNONET announced the first call to support pilot projectsfirst call to support pilot projects with R&D&I activities in the three Biotechnology Platforms outlined by the consortium:
- Innovation for efficient, sustainable and resilient aquaculture
- Observation technologies to preserve marine biodiversity and restore ocean health
- Marine related products for industrial applications
Executed with the support of the Interreg Atlantic Area and lead by Universidad de Vigo (Galicia, ES), MARINNONET pretends with the first call to fund up to 10 pilot projects, a maximum of 30,000 euros per project for one year and involving at least 2 partners from 2 regions represented in MARINNONET [Norte; Centro (Portugal); Galicia, Islas Canarias, Pais Vasco (Spain), Bretagne (France), Southern and Eastern; Border, Midland and Western (Ireland)].
The deadline to applications is on the 10th of November. For more information, contact