The BEAP-MAR Project, supported by Interreg Atlantic Area, is hosting its first workshop on Wednesday, April 23rd from 9.15 am to 4.45 pm (CET). This event represents a key milestone in the Blue Bioeconomy sector. Experts will present research on marine organisms and their potential for developing innovative bioactive compounds. The workshop will also serve as a platform for knowledge exchange and industrial collaboration.


Location: CEA of Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

The event can also be followed online.

Who can attend?

The workshop is open to industrial stakeholders, researchers, and anyone interested in the Blue Bioeconomy sector.

What is BEA-MAR?

The BEAP-MAR Project addresses challenges in the Blue Bioeconomy sector within the Atlantic Area. It focuses on researching and exploiting unique marine organisms that have not traditionally been commercially exploited (e.g. new algal strains, marine fungi and sponges). The main goal is to uncover hidden potential and create innovative solutions for the industrial and business sectors.

This project aims to build partnerships among stakeholders involved, allowing them to share and improve knowledge of these novel marine organisms and their potential, making the Atlantic Area more competitive and sustainable.

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