The book titled ‘Citizens’ Observatories on Geohazards’ is now available online. This publication is a result of the implementation of the AGEO Project – a Platform for Atlantic Geohazard risk Management, supported by the Interreg Atlantic Area during 2014-2020 programming period.
This open-source e-book shows the importance of using Citizens' Observatories in geohazard monitoring and highlights its connectivity with regional and national risk management systems, showcasing their capacity to contribute to disaster risk reduction.
From 2019 and 2023, the AGEO Project implemented five different pilot initiatives in Atlantic regions (Canary Islands, Spain, Brittany, France, Lisbon, Portugal, Causeway Coast, Northern Ireland, UK, and Madeira Island, Portugal) that actively engaged local communities in risk preparedness and environmental monitoring. These observatories have proven to be extremely useful in providing information on different geological hazards such as landslides, seismic activity and coastal erosion, emphasising the importance of active citizen participation in reducing the risk of these disasters.
From the lessons learnt, the book provides 11 key recommendations for future citizen observers, emphasizing the need to improve cooperation networks and data accessibility. The results show how citizen-supported environmental monitoring, when integrated with institutional efforts, plays a crucial role in enhancing risk management strategies and making them more efficient.
“Citizens’ engagement can be limited in the beginning, but can grow over time. It is recommended to persist in awareness campaigns with support of local and regional stakeholders”, says the publication, adding the importance of defining a consistent communication Strategy.