The ADT4Blue project is holding online its first Matchmaking event on 10 October at 10 am (Irish time). Supported by Interreg Atlantic Area, and with Instituto Politécnico da Guarda as Lead Partner, ADT4Blue aims to respond to challenges facing the Blue Economy through the adoption of advanced digital technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things.

This meeting, part of the project's first Open Call, aims to promote the creation of multidisciplinary teams that will receive advanced training in entrepreneurship and digital technologies, as well as benefit from a personalised mentoring programme. The final target audience is higher education students, researchers and young entrepreneurs, selected in the scope of the first call of the project, between 18th of October and 18th of December.

Beneficiaries will fit into one of the blue economy areas previously identified by the ADT4Blue partners: Aquaculture and Fisheries; Communications; Maritime Transport; Ocean Monitoring, Conservation and Protection of Marine Ecosystems; and Port Activities.

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