On the kick-off of the Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027, in Viana do Castelo, the Managing Authority presented the new programme guidelines, priorities, budget, geography. The National Authorities that will follow the programme implementation also presented their role and functions to the audience.

The opening of the First Call for Projects was announced from the 14th of October to the 17th of February. The call will be open to traditional projects, to priorities 1,2 and 3 and with only one step procedure. We will very soon publish the Terms of Reference and the Programme Manual on our website.

With around 100 participants in the room and 170 online, we had at this launch event the presence of the Secretary of State for Regional Development, the Secretary of State for the Sea, the Mayor of Viana do Castelo, the President of CIM Alto Minho, the President of CCDR-Norte and the European Commission.

At the end of the day, participants visited the Gil Eanes Foundation and ENERCON, a leading manufacturer in the field of wind energy.

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us and a special thanks to Viana do Castelo Municipality for the very warm welcome!

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