Safer Smarter and Eco-friendlier Atlantic Area

Blue and Green environment
Blue and Green environment
Total budget
1,51 M€
1,51 M€
ERDF funding
1,13 M€
1,13 M€
Lead partner
Technopôle Brest-Iroise (Bretagne, FR)
Technopôle Brest-Iroise (Bretagne, FR)
01.10.2023 — 30.09.2026
01.10.2023 — 30.09.2026
The Atlantic Ocean is a crucial area for shipping and serves as a gateway to Europe. More and more goods and ships are expected to pass through this region in the coming decades. While this increase in transportation is good for trade, it also means a greater impact on the environment due to maritime transport. To address this, the SaferSEA project aims to make everyone aware of the challenges faced by the shipping industry.
- Fundación Bahía de Cádiz para el Desarrollo Económico (Andalucía, ES)
- UPTEC - Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia da Asprela (Norte, PT)
- Sines Tecnopolo - Associação Centro de Incubação de Empresas de Base Tecnológica Vasco da Gama (Alentejo, PT)
- Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Bretagne, FR)
- South West Business & Technology Centre Ltd (Southern, IE)
Associated partners:
- Brest Métropole (Bretagne, FR)
- Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (Andalucía, ES)
- Comunidade Portuária e Logística de Sines (Alentejo, PT)
- Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alentejo Litoral (Alentejo, PT)

Lead partnerLead partner
Associated partnersAssociated partners