REsource INFrastructures for monitoring, adapting and protecting European Atlantic FORests under changing ClimatE 2

Blue and Green environment
Blue and Green environment
Blue and Green environment
Total budget
Total budget
3,74 M€
ERDF funding
ERDF funding
2,81 M€
Lead Partner
Lead partner
Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée (Aquitaine, FR)
15.12.2023 — 30.04.2027
Climate change, bringing things like droughts, fires, and strong winds, is a big threat to the fast-growing forests in the Atlantic Area, along with the plants and animals that depend on them. Policy makers and foresters are concerned about managing current forests and what to plant to ensure trees that survive climate change.

REINFFORCE2 plans to find solutions by looking at different climate conditions across the Atlantic Area. Partners want to predict how climate change might affect coastal forests by simulating a significant warming of 6°C. To do this, they'll use data from field trials that were set up back in 2012, and now, they'll analyze this data with new technology like drones and sensors, which weren't available ten years ago.

REINFFORCE2 will build on what was learned in the first project (REINFFORCE1) and add new experiments to figure out how forests can adapt to climate change. They'll also work with partners in warmer regions to plan for even hotter climates in the future. The goal is to find and promote solutions on how to adjust forests so that they can continue to provide resources for industries that rely on them.

Search for Partners

  • NEIKER - Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, S.A. (País Vasco, ES)
  • Fundación Hazi Fundazioa (País Vasco, ES)
  • Axencia Galega da Calidade Alimentaria - CIF de Lourizán (Galicia, ES)
  • Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (Aquitaine, FR)
  • Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e dos Recursos Hídricos (Açores, PT)
  • Centre National de la Propriété Forestière (Aquitaine, FR)
  • Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, PT)
  • Gestión Ambiental de Navarra, S.A. (Comunidad Foral de Navarra, ES)
  • Western Forestry Cooperative Society Ltd (Northern and Western, IE)
  • Adra Ingeniería y Gestión del Medio (Cantabria, ES)
  • Universidad de Sevilla (Andalucía, ES)

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Associated partners:

  • Forest Research (Hampshire and Isle of Wight, UK)
  • Asociación Forestal Andaluza (Andalucía, ES)
  • National Forestry School of Engineers (Outside the elegible area, Morocco)
  • Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul (Andalucía, ES)
Lead partnerLead partner
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